What Drive Adds
Site Selection
Where you build is at least as important as what you build. In all of our markets, we believe in a deep integration with public officials and the real estate industry to know why and where sites are attractive and available. Our property scorecard gives a quantifiable rating that allows a developer to compare two or more sites with more than subjective hunches.
Constructable Buildings
When you’ve done what we do for as long as we have, we’ve seen a lot of mistakes - some of them that negatively affected projects in meaningful ways. That body of experience gets put to work for clients when we provide constructability reviews that look at cost, schedule, quality, and operational concerns in a set of design documents. Then the project gets benchmarked against our portfolio with a Risk Assessment.
Speed of Delivery
Offering reliable unit turns to leasing teams isn’t just a goal. It’s a process that starts in design - making sure that construction can proceed efficiently, that important decisions get made in a sequence that prevents delays, that permitting and inspection requirements are clearly understood. Then comes the process of managing the building team to ensure residents get a reliable move date and management teams know how to staff.